Uplink implanter seems to be an acidifier?


I bought an uplink implanter as a traitor, but was unable to put any TC into my implant. This, combined with a friend of mine being obnoxious in discord, caused me to /suicide. When I did, however, my corpse exploded into gibs.


1: buy an uplink implanter in the traitor menu
2: attempt to insert TC
3: /suicide

I’m not able to replicate.

  1. Injected self with Uplink Implanter
  2. Insert or don’t insert telecrystals
  3. /suicide
  4. fall over and die.
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I realize I typed /suicide potentially over an emagged recycler and that was what gibbed me, however, I was still unable to insert TC into the uplink.

you legit eat the tc like your eating food

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you click on yourself with the TC