use of the lobbying bundle to get your syinde objectives is against the rules and at best get you bwoinked, or worst banned.
using the LOBBYING bundle to BRIBE HEADS, FOR YOU OBJECTIVES, is not allowed, this seems very counterintuitive and makes the bundle mostly useless.
i believe this should be changed to allow this.
heads of staff taking bribes and fucking over regular crew in the process is one of the shittiest feelings to be on the receiving end of which is why it isn’t OK for heads of staff/security to accept bribes because 99% of the time they act exclusively in self-interest
It looks like a fun RP option, and i have seen it been used to try and bribe heads which is funny (and sad when i had to ruin their RP opportunity by getting them arrested). But yeah. With how the server rules are structured, this should stay in the Useless category.
Even non-command and such are not allowed by rules to help antagonists or commit self antag, even if “bribed”.
I feel like this one should go the way of the shock collar and be removed from the game. Or at least from the uplink.
It simply makes no sense, no syndicate agent would risk their cover to bribe some random crew member with such a relatively low sum, even if you ignore the existence of OOC rules.
Either that or give the bundle some actual mechanic.
I disagree. I think the rules should be loosened. For example, if you’re the QM and someone comes up with 20k space bucks and offers to buy your cape, it could lead to some great roleplay between the two characters negotiating over the cape. It should just be assumed this is real cash, as you shouldn’t have meta-knowledge of the bundle as command. For other roles, you could talk in character about “Think about all the chems or upgrades you could buy from Cargo with this cash.” Sure, you’re not going to be able to “buy” the HoS’s shotgun, but for things that are cosmetic or pets, you could create some neat RP opportunities.
I think that Wizden aims to be a more strict server when it comes to rules.
It leads to less chaos and possibilities. But it also makes the environment safer and reduces the admin load (less edge cases and less need to arbitrate situations)
If command can sometimes choose to ignore their obligations then it becomes a grey area where it is allowed until it gets out of hand. And the one that finally becomes the “out of hand” occurrence gets mad because they are being treated unfairly (because they are).
Buying something like a cape, which is just minor contra and not even a high value objective sounds completely harmless. But the CE’s boots are probably already treading into ahelp territory.
It just feels like a very lame thing to have in the uplink. Even a simple change of civilian clothes would sound more on-theme and have more use cases.