Valannor - Whitelist Application

Username: Valannor
Character: Dvalin Irongut
Character Race: Dwarf

Character Description

Hailing from a Dwarven holdfast in a mineral-rich asteroid belt, Dvalin hails from a middle-class Union-Clan which plied its trade scavenging wrecks from NT-Syndicate conflicts, peddling quality ores and wares to passing migrant generation-ships, and black market goods.

Originally affiliated with Nanotrasen as an independent contractor, he found himself pressed into debt to the company after a salvage operation gone wrong, and remains in a vicious, predatory contract with the corporation to this day. He attempts to do good work even still, as pride and ego would demand nothing less, but there remains an undertone of contempt for all NT related operations in all of his interactions.

Proof of Playtime on other servers

Added whitelist-accepted and removed whitelist-pending

Application accepted, welcome to MRP.