Valid hunting and code color definition and prioritization

So just the term is pretty confusing, ppl have different terms in each servers and would like a good clarification on lizard and salamander. How is valid hunting identified as its term and when and how does it occur? Is it the job as secoff to validhunt individuals with good reason ? This is because I was secoff one time and saw a clown attempt to steal a hypospray by just shift clicking them seeing they have it, they made a run for it and I reported them to comms asap for the sec team to do a wide search. after that i found them and caught them by KO them with beanbags shotgun and said i valid hunt them and attempted to crit? I did not ask a random search at them since it was too dark that round and I might risk end up losing them,this end up me being entirely confused as to how the code color works too since they told me it was not even red that I shot a gun, but are beam bags non lethal s and can be treated as non lethal as such?

Examining someone is a game mechanic. Seeing what someone is holding by examining them isn’t a violation of any rules. Bean bags are less-lethal, not non-lethal. LRP has no rules about what level of force is or isn’t allowed during a specific station alert level.

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