VeryAdFriendly - "said 'touchin my sigma in dorm 4' multiple previous issues for inappropriate speech"

Username: VeryAdFriendly

Ban reason: "said 'touchin my sigma in dorm 4' multiple previous issues for inappropriate speech"
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
I did not do what I was banned for

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

i was sitting in dorm 4 and was bored. the guy that warned me for my first rule break was the same admin that banned me this time

Reason the ban should be removed

TLDR; just give me like a 30 day ban, a perma for this is silly

my first 2 mod “interactions” were for fail name rp and not realizing i couldnt have titles in my name cause i didnt know i could click and read the rules more in depth.

what i said was an inside joke with my friends but yeah ill admit it was inappropriate speech.

the ban says “multiple previous issues for inappropriate speech” but no one warned, let alone commented about anything ive said before with previous messages so i never assumed i was doing anything inappropriate before? people have ran around saying they were :grapes:'d before and stuff and they werent banned so i dont understand what is even classified as inappropriate anymore

Alternate Accounts


After you were banned, your friend ‘cupidh3vrt’ ahelped me asking why you were banned. She eventually revealed to me that you told her you were banned. You both were playing in the same round together.

I’d like to know the details of what you shared with each other during the round (because its clear from the fact that she reached out to me that you do share details with each other) and how we can expect that you won’t do it again.

edit: edited to change the friends pronouns to align with the reply message

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i never asked her to do anything, all i did was send her was a screenshot of the ban message after i was out of the server so i dont think it’d be metacomming. we dont share details about the game in any capacity when we are playing


Appeal denied, upgraded to voucher. This is due to the fact that you repeatedly on sequential days either named your character “Rizz God Gyatt Slayer”, or “Sir Skibideka”, witch you have now renamed to “Rhys Skibideka” witch is still not acceptable naming. Your excuse of not know how to read the rules doesnt account for the fact that he admins who ahelped you directly told you no to do somthign and then you turned around and did the same thing. Almost all your chracter names are not okay as well. To name a few “Cargaugh”, “Chemie Mc Chemface”, and “Iwil Beaturface”. Please come back when you have a voucher of good behavior from another server.

Added appeal-rejected and removed appeal-pending