Username: VeryAdFriendly
Ban reason: "said 'touchin my sigma in dorm 4' multiple previous issues for inappropriate speech"
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
I did not do what I was banned for
Vote Opt-Out: false
Events leading to the ban
i was sitting in dorm 4 and was bored. the guy that warned me for my first rule break was the same admin that banned me this time
Reason the ban should be removed
TLDR; just give me like a 30 day ban, a perma for this is silly
my first 2 mod “interactions” were for fail name rp and not realizing i couldnt have titles in my name cause i didnt know i could click and read the rules more in depth.
what i said was an inside joke with my friends but yeah ill admit it was inappropriate speech.
the ban says “multiple previous issues for inappropriate speech” but no one warned, let alone commented about anything ive said before with previous messages so i never assumed i was doing anything inappropriate before? people have ran around saying they were 'd before and stuff and they werent banned so i dont understand what is even classified as inappropriate anymore