Viridian Wolfhart - Viri Admin Application

In-game Username: Viri
Discord username: Viri#8296
Characters you play: Viridian Wolfhart
How long have you been playing SS13 or SS14?
I’ve been playing SS14 for about 6 months now, off and on, admittedly not as often as I’d like.
I’ve played SS13 for several years, occasionally with friends or by myself across a variety**  of different types of servers. (No RP to HRP)**

**How many hours are you available per day:
It depends on a day to day basis, however I will most likely be **** available ** at most points of the day unless otherwise specified.

Days you are available on:
Most days, like stated above, unless I’ve otherwise specified, my schedule will be mostly clear due to my non-intensive job.

Prior administration experience (SS13 experience recommended). Please also post a way for us to verify this:
I have no experience administrating for SS13, but I would like to learn.

Have you been banned from our game servers or SS13 servers before?
I have not been banned from any Space Station server before.

This is the more essay-y part of the application, you should answer the following questions in detail, so we can get a better idea of how you’d approach adminning.

What role do you think game admins serve on our servers?
The Admins serve several roles on the server, not just one. They serve not only to keep the players in check but also to make the experience enjoyable for everyone in a way that’s not intrusive. Admins are the glue that holds the server together and yet… they are also so much more, Admins can take a mundane shift and spruce it up in just the tiniest way to make it just a little bit more interesting, even if it’s something as small as handing the musician a super synth. The bond that a community has with it’s staff members is a bond that should be strengthened, and grown upon, as it makes the overall experience more fun and enjoyable for all parties involved, a friendly staff team invites friendly players to join in on that fun that everyone else seems to be having.

How do you feel about the current roleplay status on the server?
I feel as if the roleplay isn’t taking quite as seriously as I would personally enjoy. However, that does not cause me to dislike the server, there are times in which it truly shines through and the daily antics of the player base are often very silly and charming. There are a few bad apples here and there, but that isn’t enough to tarnish the reputation of the server as a whole, people are allowed to have fun freely, and it shows.

Why do you want to become an administrator for SS14?
I want to become an administrator for SS14 because I enjoy it’s community. It has bumps here and there, and I’m definitely not the most active person on the server, but I’ve been here for a decent amount of time. Because of that, I’ve seen with my own eyes how this game has grown from a simple tech-build to a full on gameplay loop, and I’ve seen the community grow alongside it… I want to be a part of that growth, I want to help the game to be better, in anyway I can. I cannot fully promise that I will be the most helpful or active moderator but, I can promise that while I’m around I’ll try my very best to make the community a better place, for everybody.

Sorry, your application has been denied at this time. However, this is primarily from lack of visibility in game and in Discord as well as lack of playtime, so feel free to apply again later.

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