Volt255 - reason is 3d GB for Griefing, Self-antag, Incompetence During WaropsAs the Warden decided to abadoned their role to steal the cargo shuttle and FTL into deep space making cargo unable to do their job

Username: Volt255

Banned Roles: Command and sec

Ban reason: reason is 3d GB for Griefing, Self-antag, Incompetence During WaropsAs the Warden decided to abadoned their role to steal the cargo shuttle and FTL into deep space making cargo unable to do their job
Length of ban: 4,320 minutes
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Events leading to the ban

I was playing then my brother was tried of nukis so he wanted to explore and stole the cargo shuttle and him being annoying didn’t want to come back because cargo wanted to kill him and he doesn’t want to die because he’s a warden, and on top of all that he didn’t do his job to arm and help the crew and i was cargo trying to arm up and take orders and when he got banned i was banned with him

Reason the ban should be removed

I didn’t do anything to result for me getting a ban on my brothers actions tried to convince him as best as i could

Alternate Accounts

I don’t even see a ban on your account, and it would have expired by now, so… I’m closing this, I guess?

Added appeal-rejected and removed appeal-pending

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