
i was banned like 6 months ago and i left i returned cause i was having issues with ss13 and that’s why i came back but to get unbanned from making different accounts i need a voucher?

i asked a game admin how do i get one and if he could help explain it to me and he basically  told me too bad 

If I understand correctly, you need some admin from a different SS13/SS14 server to say “yeah, larker has been playing on our server and they’ve been behaving just fine”.

But I just read your previous ban appeal, and it’s still gonna take some three weeks before you can appeal again.

Del is correct. You need the administration team of another noteworthy SS13/SS14 server to “vouch” that you are not a problematic player, the dubiousness of an admin telling you “too bad” aside.

thank you all for helping me understand what that meant