Ban reason: “You are connecting through a datacenter or VPN. For administrative reasons, we do not allow VPN connections to play.”
Length of ban: if it was stated on the “connection denied” window, I could not find it.
Events leading to the ban: I turned on my computer, which had a VPN installed that would start up every time I restarted the computer (it has since been uninstalled). The VPN started up, and I closed its window, but as I seem to now have been VPN banned I will assume that didn’t actually result in the VPN disconnecting. Either way, I started up SS14 and tried to log into WizDen Leviathan, which is when I got the notice that I was banned for using a VPN.
Reason the ban should be removed: I don’t intend to have a VPN on when I play normally, I did not know that VPN connections were bannable, and now that I know this I don’t want to be barred from playing on official servers because I forgot to turn it off this one time.
You are not banned. Only your VPN is. Just turn it off and you can play the game.
Datacenter bans aren’t applied to specific accounts, they’re applied to IPs used by things like virtual private networks (VPNs). If you are using a VPN, disabling it should allow you to connect to Wizard’s Den servers. If you are not using a VPN or something similar, but still cannot connect, please do any of the following:
- Join our Discord server and ask for help in the #help channel, saying that you’re affected by a datacenter ban
- Create a topic in the Admin Message section
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