Wabungus wambus's discord ban appeal

SS14 account username: [wabungus_wambus]
Role(s): [artist, programmer roles]
Date of ban: [day of the reliable host incident]
Length of ban: [appeal only]
Events leading to the ban: [sent a gif of a server room on fire as a joke]
Reason the ban should be removed: [i dont think being banned for posting a simple harmless gif should get  me banned, unless it had a hidden slur (i hate when that happens)  or some admin was having a really shitty day, which i undestand.]

This is the wrong template for a discord ban, your appeal doesn’t include your discord username



oop my bad


Discord account: [wabungus#9109]
Date of ban: [reliable host  incident day]
Events leading to the ban: [sent a gif of a server room on fire as a joke
Reason the ban should be removed: [i dont think being banned for posting a simple harmless gif should get  me banned, unless it had a hidden slur (i hate when that happens)  or some admin was having a really shitty day, which i undestand.]


This appeal has been accepted.

From Accepted to Ban Appeals

From Ban Appeals to Discord