Username: waffleburg
Ban reason: "as clown, slipped security and stole stuns, an MK, and a PDA. previous issues of self antag as well."
Length of ban: 4 Days
Ban Issue:
I did what I was banned for, but the ban is unreasonably harsh
Vote Opt-Out: false
Events leading to the ban
I was playing clown and Made a (probably antag) friend named glub guberson i hanged around glub gluberson for a little while until he showed me his contra stash after some pestering i got a helmet through him after leaving his stash dorms area a sec off tried to arrest me Doing at the time i slipped all their kit leaving them with nothing they then commited suicide and i took their kit since to my knowledge taking things from dead purple players is ok i then gave all of the kit except for the pda to glub i then casually walked into sec and sat in the interview room another sec off tried to arrest me for trespassing i evaded arrest and like the last one slipped his things when i slipped his gun a admin almost instantly messaged me demanding i returned the gun i did so and the rest of his kit besides the pda after more running from the sec off and eventully hiding from him i returned to sec with the pda still in my backpack a sec off saw me leave arrested and detained me the ward put me in jail for 5 mins (keep in mind i was complaining about the verdict since it was shared to me through ahelp at the time) i was hit with the ban
i argued a lot with the admin over ahelp with the consunsoes from him saying i was not funny and i should find better jokes and my actions were hindering the security team and i was already banned for 12 hours for self antaging (i find this one just)
Reason the ban should be removed
I feel like none of what i did was self antaging stealing things from sec but never directly using them for harmful things is not self antag and the other things i did i feel like were clown and none clown behavior i have witnessed mutiple times during my time playing security not being funny according to the admins is not a crime and i gave back my contra and was arrested anyways i feel like giving the contra to glub who was almost clearly a antag might be consirded self antaggin but i really dont feel like its 4 days worth of self antag