Waffleburg - "as clown, slipped security and stole stuns, an MK, and a PDA. previous issues of self antag as well."

Username: waffleburg

Ban reason: "as clown, slipped security and stole stuns, an MK, and a PDA. previous issues of self antag as well."
Length of ban: 4 Days
Ban Issue:
I did what I was banned for, but the ban is unreasonably harsh

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

I was playing clown and Made a (probably antag) friend named glub guberson i hanged around glub gluberson for a little while until he showed me his contra stash after some pestering i got a helmet through him after leaving his stash dorms area a sec off tried to arrest me Doing at the time i slipped all their kit leaving them with nothing they then commited suicide and i took their kit since to my knowledge taking things from dead purple players is ok i then gave all of the kit except for the pda to glub i then casually walked into sec and sat in the interview room another sec off tried to arrest me for trespassing i evaded arrest and like the last one slipped his things when i slipped his gun a admin almost instantly messaged me demanding i returned the gun i did so and the rest of his kit besides the pda after more running from the sec off and eventully hiding from him i returned to sec with the pda still in my backpack a sec off saw me leave arrested and detained me the ward put me in jail for 5 mins (keep in mind i was complaining about the verdict since it was shared to me through ahelp at the time) i was hit with the ban
i argued a lot with the admin over ahelp with the consunsoes from him saying i was not funny and i should find better jokes and my actions were hindering the security team and i was already banned for 12 hours for self antaging (i find this one just)

Reason the ban should be removed

I feel like none of what i did was self antaging stealing things from sec but never directly using them for harmful things is not self antag and the other things i did i feel like were clown and none clown behavior i have witnessed mutiple times during my time playing security not being funny according to the admins is not a crime and i gave back my contra and was arrested anyways i feel like giving the contra to glub who was almost clearly a antag might be consirded self antaggin but i really dont feel like its 4 days worth of self antag

Alternate Accounts


Processing with trialmin

Trialmin started discussion

Sorry that it took until after this ban already expired to get to it. The admin team determined that the ban was appropriate and that the reason was accurate.

Each of the following are typically considered self-antagging or rule violations when done by a non-antagonist:

  • Knowingly aiding an antagonist
  • Stealing IDs
  • Making yourself a significant issue for the station or security

While not being funny isn’t against the rules, antagonizing security is. Even if you yourself didn’t use the items you took, that doesn’t mean there’s no negative effect to them having been taken from security in the first place.

A 4 day game ban for these actions would likely be excessive, but as the banning admin pointed out to you in the ahelp, you have a history of self antagging. A week or two before this ban, you were 12 hour banned for RDMing someone who momentarily disconnected and then welded their body in a room. You also have a note for a situation around a month and a half before that were you were warned for attacking people as a borg, but it’s unclear if this was just a misunderstanding of borg laws

Added appeal-rejected and removed appeal-pending

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