Username: walksanator
Ban reason: Used the term "sissy" to refer to someone wearing a jumpskirt while detained
Length of ban: Permanent
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction
Events leading to the ban
Person tresspasses into security. complains about entrapment. throws bigot around. they complain about the jumpskirt being put on. I say something along the lines of “shut it sissy”. 10? minutes later get bwoinked for calling the person a sissy.
Reason the ban should be removed
I was not aware that sissy was on the wrong side of the line. as I grew up on mostly VHS and B/W shows (No I am not old. my nana just had a VHS player and I would love watching it with them). I was not aware of the negative connotation that that term implies. I was aware of it being a insult. but I did not know It was on the level of a slur. I shall adjust my speech and mannerism approperatly for future when I play on wizden and other ss14 servers with similar rules