Username: walksanator
Banned Roles: All Command,ERT,CentCom,Science, and Silicon
Ban reason: You have been banned from this role
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
I did what I was banned for, but the ban is unreasonably harsh
Events leading to the ban
I Emagged the borgs as Research Director to Instill loyalty to science.
I AHelped after doing it and security got me to see how much I would be punished
got asked “good thing I checked logs”
asked “did you find anything”
responded “i dont know. did I” (at this point I did not know of the other admin remark on my account)
and so I listed the actions of that round.
got told I was going to be permanetly rolebanned from Command,Science and Silicon
got rolebanned from Command, Science and Silicon.
the other admin remark on my account that I did not know of is “Warned for attempting to incite cult/revolutionary behaviour as borg under normal crewsimov laws” but I was never made aware of this wither IC or OOC as I have no memory of speaking with a admin over this at the time of occurance. the events to which led to this wwere probally refering to “cleansing” the station as a cleaning borg. and referring to the singuloose that occured as “the greatest cleanser”
Reason the ban should be removed
I believe that while the ban is justified. a indefinite roleban from a major part of the game is unwaranted in this case. as I was cooperative and understanding (to my knowledge). but if this ban is found to be justified. I shall accept and go back to mining salvage, playing chess in the library, or whatever otherrole comes across my screen.