So, nukies decalre war - the sane captain would beeline for AI and wreck upload console so it can’t be antimoved, nutimov it while possible too, otherwise 75% of crew can enjoy being shocked 24/7 while nukies are sealclubbing crew that is not even allowed to move one step in some parts of station.
Can AI stand in the way of breaking upload console even if there is no risk of law change from crew or it risks being ahelped for silicon 4 and “allowing” itself to get antimoved or its entirely IC issue?
If its not IC issue, how much protection there should be from law change to allow destruction of upload console? On map like Core the law boards are good bit of rooms and space away from console upload so there is no risk of law change. On most maps I think it will be high security door away at best then there are maps with no protection, not even a windoor where we would have silicon 4 vs silicon 4 of sorts as laws would be in risk of change no matter what AI does.