i really want to see the wizard antag added to wizden
It is actively being worked on and very likely going to be released this year. There were some refactors for actions necessary, but those are done now and we are currently implementing a lot of spells, staffs and items for the wizard. Have a look at our github repository if you want to see some of the progress!
Here a bunch of examples:
← keronshb:WizardTouchSpells
opened 06:12AM - 20 Jan 25 UTC
## About the PR
Smite - Gibs target
Cluwne's Curse - Turns the target in… to a Cluwne.
Slippery Slope - Makes the target slippery, and they slip other people by simply walking into them!
All of these spells will require Wizard Hat and Robes, so you can't just polymorph into something or mind swap and use it.
## Why / Balance
Smite is a classic spell. It round removes, but that's the point.
Cluwne has become a staple spell as well, arguably you're worse off effected by this than smite.
Slippery is something I came up with. It can definitely backfire on the Wizard and that exact chaotic nature is a perfect fit for the Wizard.
## Technical details
SlipOnCollideComponent added, specifically to keep it separated from SlipperyComponent (it adds it anyway). If this comp is added to an entity, it will trigger off of the StartCollideEvent.
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There's a slipping misprediction also in the video. Been reported for awhile - https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/issues/29859
Can't quite figure it out.
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## Breaking changes
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SlipOnCollideComponent was added and adds SlipperyComponent to the entity it was added to. It subscribes to the StartCollideEvent so it can slip anything it collides with. This is specifically separate from the SlipperyComponent so this can be added to entities without current SlipComponent balance being touched.
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- add: Added fun!
- remove: Removed fun!
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- fix: Fixed fun!
← keronshb:WizardHammers
opened 03:48AM - 15 Jan 25 UTC
## About the PR
This is going to require a few different PRs. I'm atomizing i… t, but leaving this as the master PR so I'll be adding the requires as I go through.
Major Changes -
Mjollnir and Singularity Hammers were added! Both wizard items,
Mjollnir - A hammer that stuns and knocks back the targets it hit until they hit a wall. Also works when thrown!
Singularity Hammer - Attracts everyone and every item nearby even on a miss!
WieldComponent - noUseDelayOnWield - conditional to not activate use delay on wield if configured to do so. Useful where you have a use delay tied to something melee wise and you don't want wield to activate it.
MeleeThrowOnHit - Added stuns and the ability to activate on throw.
UseDelayOnMeleeHit - Activates use delay on melee hit. Useful where you might want an ability to trigger on melee hit but don't want it spammed. Also works on throw hit.
## Why / Balance
Two wizard items ported from SS13. Needed to flesh out the wizard more before release.
Both hammers require wielding to melee. Mjollnir gets away with this a bit by being able to activate the effect on throw.
The other components are nice to have, especially UseDelayOnMeleeHit and NoUseDelayOnWield.
Why Repulse Attract instead of using Gravity Well? I needed something to work with the _throw system and not activate on every tick. It's way more instant. Also this will be useful for the Repulse spell I plan on adding to Wizards.
## Technical details
The RepulseAttractSystem works by getting all entities in range and either pulling them towards the user or pushing them away, depending how it's configured.
UseDelayOnMeleeHit activates when a melee hit occurs or when a throw hit occurs and it triggers UseDelay.
MeleeThrowOnHit now has stun support and now subscribes to the on throw hit event to work on hit if configured.
WieldComp now supports toggling usedelay off.
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## Breaking changes
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- NoUseDelayOnWield - conditional to not activate use delay on wield if configured to do so. Useful where you have a use delay tied to something melee wise and you don't want wield to activate it.
- MeleeThrowOnHit - Added stun conditional. Added throw conditional and support to activate on throw.
- Wield- Added support to disable use delay on wield
- Sledgehammers.yml was renamed to hammers.yml
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- add: Added fun!
- remove: Removed fun!
- tweak: Changed fun!
- fix: Fixed fun!
← ScarKy0:item-recall-ability
opened 01:18AM - 13 Jan 25 UTC
## About the PR
## Why / Balance
Missing feature for wizard.
… ## Technical details
Added an ItemRecallSystem that handles the Item Recall spell.
Added RaiseOnAction to the BaseActionComponent to allow raising events on the action itself.
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not player facing (wizard when :( )
- add: Added fun!
- remove: Removed fun!
- tweak: Changed fun!
- fix: Fixed fun!
← keronshb:Jaunting
opened 01:49AM - 07 Nov 24 UTC
## About the PR
Added an Ethereal Jaunt Spell for Wizard and a Jaunt ECS to… go with it.
Jaunt, on the backend, is just polymorph. The user gets put into an invisible ghost like body for very few seconds so they can make an escape. They can even go through walls and walk on space! Just be careful since it has a long cooldown and a very short duration, even with upgrades!
Polymorph was also given support to play a sound when morphing and reverting.
## Why / Balance
It's a classic Wizard spell from SS13. Like all Wizard spells it's powerful, and allows the wizard to make a hasty escape as needed. Giving it more movement tech other than just teleporting or turning into a rod. You could consider this a non-lethal version of a rod.
## Technical details
Only code changed was in Polymorph.
Polymorph configs now have SoundSpecifiers for polymorphing and reverting.
If not null, we play on polymorph and/or play on revert.
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## Breaking changes
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Jaunt Component and Jaunt System added to Content.Shared
Polymorph Prototype = added PolymorphSound and ExitPolymorphSound fields.
Polymorph System = Adds a check if Polymorph Sound is null for Polymorph method. Adds same check for Exit Polymorph Sound to Revert method. Uses Audio Play PVS.
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- add: Added Ethereal Jaunt! A Wizard Spell that turns you invisible and into a ghost-like creature for escaping!
← ActiveMammmoth:wizardgunevent
opened 04:16AM - 08 Oct 24 UTC
## About the PR
I added two new event spells: Summon Guns, which summons one … random gun for every living player-controlled humanoid, and Summon Magic, which does the same except with spellbooks/wands instead of guns.
## Why / Balance
Granted permission by KeronSHB, they're in charge of the wizard/magic PR freeze. These are two spells they want. Functionally similar so I did them both in one.
I can only imagine the chaos this will cause. Not necessarily beneficial to the wizard though to give all the people you're going to antagonize weapons/spells to fight you back with. Sometimes you'll get a water gun, other times you'll get a rocket launcher. You can see the full list of possible guns/spells in event_spells.yml. Will probably need numbers / list tweaking for proper balance but functionality exists.
## Technical details
event_spells.yml contains the data for the actual spells and all of the possible items they can spawn
Event is called RandomGlobalSpawnSpellEvent located with other SpellEvent files
Event is handled in SharedMagicSystem under OnRandomGlobalSpawnSpell
It queries through every entity that has a MindContainer, MobState, HumanoidAppearance and Transform
It checks if the Mind is null (nobody is playing them) and checks if they're alive
HumanoidAppearance prevents stuff like pAIs, mice and other ghost roles
Transform is necessary to get their location so as to spawn the item at their position
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