Wizards in wizden

why aren’t there more wizards in wizden? is it not a wizards den?

I think it’s based off of the Wizard’s Federation or something along those lines that was in SS13, I haven’t played SS13 nor know much about it but I believe that’s why it’s called WizDen.

we’re getting wizards Soon™
i’ve heard some admiins have been taking them out on a test run on some servers


can confirm, I think I’m the first captain to fight them in wizden.

I wrote an in universe report of it, but because of how uh… dumb the character I play is, it didn’t come out well.

They are fucking WICKED strong.

Well its whole point of wizzards. Bring in chaos.
Most wizzards always go fro some gimmick and play it out(instead of murderboning). Unless crew is too powergammy, then its just Death and destruction of all

There are wizards in Wizden servers, they just don’t get used since they’re still in testing, unlike other roles such as Deathsquad or CBURN which are fully functional but they are only admin spawnible, same with wizard, who knows maybe in a couple months or longer we’ll have wizards as a mid-round or late-round solo anatg wizard or a team of antag wizards.

Oh no, I wasnt wingein, I was just commenting on their incredible power

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As others mentioned, wizden was not named after wizards, but from something something SS13. Wizard however are in development.