Game Ban
Ban reason: [Reason for ban, visible when attempting to join the server]
Antagrolling, multiple suicides on multiple servers in short interval
Length of ban: [How long the ban is for]
4320 minutes (May 2nd to May 6 CST)
Events leading to the ban: I genuinely don’t know? I don’t even have antags selected on the character I use firstly, so I physically can’t antagroll. Secondly, I chose to be a borg, and wasn’t doing anything trolly. Third, yes I suicided on Lizard shortly beforehand, but that’s the only suicide I’ve done in the last 24 hours and it was so I could screw around as a mouse for a while. The ban happened on Leviathan. I actually have no idea what this is for.
Reason the ban should be removed: Because I literally wasn’t doing anything and have no idea why I was banned. Like, literally didn’t attack anyone out of turn, wasn’t even trying to antag, if anything I had been actively helping sec detain someone, which would be the exact opposite of antagrolling.
In relation to what the ban was about it was the antag rolling. Joining multiple servers and suiciding out of normal roles looking for ghost and ghost antag roles. If you wish you just play ghost roles just observe in, don’t waste out normal roles.
This ban has expired since the appeal has been made, on 2024-05-06T00:00:00Z. Closing off.
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Added appeal-rejected