Xsainteer - screamer in faked OF link in bio + slavery description

Discord Username: xsainteer
Ban reason: screamer in faked OF link in bio + slavery description
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Events leading to the ban

I sent some message, probably in coding section, it was not breaking any rule, my profile was, I guess a ds moderator clicked on my account, saw a pseudo warning by discord staff on slave trading, saw a fake of link that led him to website with jumpscares

Reason the ban should be removed

Didn’t mean to harm or insult anybody, i thought it is funny thing to do, I’m from post soviet union country and it is considered normal to do this kind of stuff. It doesn’t mean I will continue to do what I have been doing, Im saying it just fro you, the reader, to understand what was leading me, I will stop these kind of actions in order to get involved into this C# gamedev community, where i can get my skills right.

Alternate Accounts

I don’t

Have you changed your profile to not violate the rules of the server?

yes i did the moment before i wrote the appelation

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am i good?

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I am unable to determine the actual contents of what you had at the time but I will give you the benefit of the doubt.Ban lifted, please make sure to read our rules when you return.

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Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending