xscarypotatox - Ignoring admins/leaving game mid Ahelp

Username: xscarypotatox

Ban reason: Ignoring admins/leaving game mid Ahelp
Length of ban: I'm honestly not sure
Ban Issue:
I did not do what I was banned for

Vote Opt-Out: true

Events leading to the ban

So basically my character name was “The Ruler Of Everything” and an admin came to talk to me about it. He asked me to either come up with a name or he’d make one for me. I was thinking about a name and then i started typing but my internet is pretty bad (its t mobile internet lol) so i got DC’d mid Ahelp and was assumed to be doing it on purpose. I wasn’t leaving on purpose my internt just cut out at a bad time

Reason the ban should be removed

I dont think its fair to punish me for something i couldnt really prevent

Alternate Accounts


Please can this be looked at

Please :pray: