Yische - Banned for Rerouting Disposals and walling off security? No round number supplied

Ban reason: “Constant self-antag by routing disposals into security and useing it tresspass and overall self-antag and grief of the security department.” - Which member of moderation writes like this?
Length of ban: 10,080 Minutes
Events leading to the ban: Start of shift, Passenger. Doing my usual thing of trying to slip security with cans of soda or soap to test how robust they are. Re-routing disposals to get an encryption key and listen in on what’s happening for fun. Guy named Blake sees me thrown outta disposals near security’s medbay, confiscates my tools and belt, my insulated gloves, places them in a perma locker and then jails me for ten minutes. Specifically addresses me with what seems to be either meta-knowledge or the result of watching cameras about me rerouting disposals despite no one witnessing this at the time. Informs other officers I intend to tide, which at the time I was fully planning on committing to given the wanton disregard of the Warden applying sentences and times to keep things fair. Shift continues and I begin antagonizing Blake over the radio and placing walls around security specifically to spite Blake’s actions while still leaving maintenance unblocked. Shift ends as normal, everything seems fine. I find out I’m banned on my next attempt to log in. I made no effort to actively self-antag or cuff anybody outside of what could be considered grief which still landed me jailtime at shift end because Blake decided to perma me personally.
Reason the ban should be removed: This feels like a member of your moderation going out of their way to apply a spiteful, targeted, and personal grudge based ban for what was otherwise taken care of in-game. Please review their conduct towards your playerbase going forward.


On 10/1/2023 at 5:37 AM, Yische said:

This feels like a member of your moderation going out of their way to apply a spiteful, targeted, and personal grudge based ban for what was otherwise taken care of in-game. Please review their conduct towards your playerbase going forward.

Someone else is handling the processing of this appeal itself, but you may want to include an explanation of what specifically led you to believe that this ban was targeted, spiteful, and the result of a personal grudge. If something other than the mere fact you were banned resulted in this belief, feel free to make a staff complaint after this appeal is processed, regardless of the outcome of this appeal. If it is only the fact that a ban was placed that led to this belief, you can still make a staff complaint as long as the appeal is accepted.


4:30 arrives on station
6:22 breaking a welder tank in hallway
6:43 making cable cuffs
7:14 making cable cuffs
9:18 rerouting disposals junction
10:45 rerouting disposals junction
11:51 trespassing and stealing all soap from janitor closet
12:18 trespassing in detective office, hacking and stealing security headsets from vendor, stealing cuffs
13:16 trespassing into wardens office, spotted by detective
17:21 slipping a security officer (me) without any prior interaction
18:12 slipping a security cadet without any prior interaction
19:25 trying and failing to slip another security officer
19:42 trying and failing to slip another security officer
19:57 spotted and identified by detective, trying and failing to slip them 3x
21:26 arrested for the first time by detective, I am present, detective decides to let you go
24:29 trespassing into inner brig, stealing a flash, hacking into HOS office, hacking into firing range
26:45 lubing front brig entry
28:24 arrested for second time, this time by me inside brig as you were trespassing again

Now at this point, I already found 2 security headsets in disposals with missing encryption keys, seen you trespass and be arrested for trespassing into security, seen security entry being lubed and knew disposals was rerouted and that you were using it multiple times.

Taking all your tiding gear only confirmed what I already suspected, you carried lube, had the encryption, multiple pieces of security gear, had the tools and even a t-ray to track disposal routes. It was I believe at this point that I first ahelped your self-antag behavior. You were intentionally hostile with no provocation from security, that makes you a valid antagonist in my eyes and only reason I didn’t perma you was that you didn’t carry any syndicate gear. I gave you a 10 minute sentence instead. Every interaction you had with anyone was you telling straight up lies, going as far as trying to get me lynched for putting a stop to your tiding.

I’m not gonna document the rest of the shift, which you spent walling off security and just continuing your prior behavior, just with me as a bigger target now than just security itself.

After round ended, I messaged admins about you on forum since none were present during round. Imagine my surprise as I am filling out the details and realize I already made a near identical message about your behavior on lizard server round #33090

On 10/1/2023 at 12:37 PM, Yische said:

I made no effort to actively self-antag or cuff anybody outside of what could be considered grief which still landed me jailtime at shift end because Blake decided to perma me personally.

I’d also like to note that this is another lie, as right after being thrown out of brig after your second arrest, you proceeded to attack the janitor for cleaning up the 20 or so bottles and a welder tank you destroyed in front of security to slip all officers.

37 minutes ago, Changeling said:

I’d also like to note that this is another lie, as right after being thrown out of brig after your second arrest, you proceeded to attack the janitor for cleaning up the 20 or so bottles and a welder tank you destroyed in front of security to slip all officers.

And now you’re accusing me of lying despite not having a round number supplied or replay to review until now, having to go off of my own memory of events? Are you dense? The level of serious that you take being slipped as a secoff is comical. I’m happy that the replay serves to showcase your own lack of due process. The way you play secoff should have you rolebanned, frankly. It’s like you go out of your way to antagonize passengers and then act shocked when it has exactly the effect it should.

The lack of staff presence on that round is exactly what created the circumstances that led to my ban. I made attempts to ahelp CLing’s own behaviour during and without moderation to step in we were both effectively left grossly mishandling things without a mediator or immediate proper resolution.


So it is entirely moderation’s fault that you spent all of your round exclusively antagonizing security for over 30 minutes because we didn’t tell you to stop sooner

1 hour ago, Changeling said:


4:30 arrives on station
6:22 breaking a welder tank in hallway
6:43 making cable cuffs
7:14 making cable cuffs
9:18 rerouting disposals junction
10:45 rerouting disposals junction
11:51 trespassing and stealing all soap from janitor closet
12:18 trespassing in detective office, hacking and stealing security headsets from vendor, stealing cuffs
13:16 trespassing into wardens office, spotted by detective
17:21 slipping a security officer (me) without any prior interaction
18:12 slipping a security cadet without any prior interaction
19:25 trying and failing to slip another security officer
19:42 trying and failing to slip another security officer
19:57 spotted and identified by detective, trying and failing to slip them 3x
21:26 arrested for the first time by detective, I am present, detective decides to let you go
24:29 trespassing into inner brig, stealing a flash, hacking into HOS office, hacking into firing range
26:45 lubing front brig entry
28:24 arrested for second time, this time by me inside brig as you were trespassing again

Now at this point, I already found 2 security headsets in disposals with missing encryption keys, seen you trespass and be arrested for trespassing into security, seen security entry being lubed and knew disposals was rerouted and that you were using it multiple times.

Taking all your tiding gear only confirmed what I already suspected, you carried lube, had the encryption, multiple pieces of security gear, had the tools and even a t-ray to track disposal routes. It was I believe at this point that I first ahelped your self-antag behavior. You were intentionally hostile with no provocation from security, that makes you a valid antagonist in my eyes and only reason I didn’t perma you was that you didn’t carry any syndicate gear. I gave you a 10 minute sentence instead. Every interaction you had with anyone was you telling straight up lies, going as far as trying to get me lynched for putting a stop to your tiding.

I’m not gonna document the rest of the shift, which you spent walling off security and just continuing your prior behavior, just with me as a bigger target now than just security itself.

After round ended, I messaged admins about you on forum since none were present during round. Imagine my surprise as I am filling out the details and realize I already made a near identical message about your behavior on lizard server round #33090

Why are you emphasising trespassing as if’s an out-of-game issue? Plenty of people end up in departments they shouldn’t in the course of a round, plenty of people take things from those departments in the course of a round. Your version of events is inherently biased to boot. Whether or not those aforementioned people are tiders does not matter. This entire ban feels as though the staff member handling it did not do enough to thoroughly look at how the round actually played out, coupled with the flimsy and likely copypasted ban reasoning with a lack of round number.

Just now, lonesoldier55 said:

So it is entirely moderation’s fault that you spent all of your round exclusively antagonizing security for over 30 minutes because we didn’t tell you to stop sooner

Putting it bluntly like that? Yes. You would’ve been able to reign in CLing’s little powertrip, too.

If it was that much of an issue for the round I would’ve been happy to refrain from actively tiding.

28 minutes ago, Yische said:

Why are you emphasising trespassing as if’s an out-of-game issue?

Because it becomes an issue when you do it with malicious intent. When I play security I do not want to be “tested for robustness” by non-antags. There’s usually plenty of actual antags in the round to keep security busy.

Do you think it’s enjoyable for anyone to deal with you in the game?

4 minutes ago, Changeling said:

Because it becomes an issue when you do it with malicious intent. When I play security I do not want to be “tested for robustness” by non-antags. There’s usually plenty of actual antags in the round to keep security busy.

Do you think it’s enjoyable for anyone to deal with you in the game?

I think it’s interesting how quickly you’ve jumped to malicious intent because of retrospect.
The officers I did slip before everything started to really properly kick off, yourself included. - Were they immediately cablecuffed? No. They were not. Having all of that contraband should’ve amounted to a slap on the wrist and usual sentencing with any other officer, but you took it a step further by confiscating tools and removing insuls from anybody doing anything you didn’t like, thereby entirely preventing them from doing anything actually creative with their round.

I think it’s important to find levity in the sillier moments within the game. Getting security to chase you around because you slipped them one too many times being one of them. What with how seriously you took the round and continue to take things now, I wonder if the same could be asked of you. Do you think people enjoy having to deal with the strictest secoff confiscating their tools over a joke?


There’s a whole subforum if you want to understand why I did what I did with your tools.

2 minutes ago, Changeling said:


There’s a whole subforum if you want to understand why I did what I did with your tools.

Very astute.

Alright enough.

The security in this place seems to have only been reported as “powertripping” significantly after the tiding was underway. Security is in the right to arrest you for being a constant and central issue the entire round, as well as within their own right to ahelp you if they believe you were breaking the rules.

The appeal-ee here has multiple notes for disruptive self antagonism and general tiding. I am locking this until the unsurprising verdict comes forward.

Appeal denied. There doesn’t seem to be anything that indicates that this ban was a mistake or too punishing. The duration of the ban is already half over. 

From Rejected to Ban Appeals