SS14 account username: [YoIsThisSpaceStation14]
Ban reason: [RDMd a medic for doing their job, Left in a-help, argumentitive, and impatient. appeal your behaviour.]
Date of ban: [23/05/2023]
Length of ban: [permanent]
Events leading to the ban: [Saw a player morguing a CMO as i was with another scientist/player searching for an anomoly, when asked what they were doing i was told to “fuck off”. I killed them, reported the player to sec, sec originally arreseted me but later released me, then his friends came and attacked me, cuffed me, trapped me, locked me in a bed, then both he and the friends reported me to an admin, the admin took over 45 minutes to deal with the situation and basically told me i was in the wrong for RPing, i ended up going to bed as it was 1:30am and id been talking to an admin and getting the same kind of responses.]
Reason the ban should be removed: [I feel multiple people ganged up on me, i didnt get a fair chance to explain what was happening as multiple people were spinning the same story. I left during the admin-help becuase it had gone on for too long and i was tired.]
Banning admin here, so I will not handle the appeal. I will just say my side of things.
Did it take me 45 minutes to figure things out? Yes, and for that I apologize. However, I was alone on a server with 45+ people. And dealing with multiple a-helps at the same time, like a remy attacking someone else, RDM accusations, welder bombers, 4 HoP’s where one of them was trying to promote more people into HoPs which turned into an HoP mini riot.
I was by no means ignoring one side of things, I was trying to get everything under control where everything was messed up from the beginning.
However, from what I was saying before. You, as someone who was not on the medical team, saw someone who was dragging a dead CMO into the morgue. You did not see them kill this individual, you only saw them move them into the morgue. Which you felt as if was reason enough to attack and kill a medic who was quite literally doing their job. They even explained why they couldn’t have cloned the CMO at the time, not in any more detail other than “caustic”. I saw no evidence of friends at the time, and even after the report I still have yet to see any kind of friendship or metacomms. There were so many other things you could have done.
You asked me in the a-help “how is it RDM, you saw a crime getting committed.” in reality, you did not see a crime get committed. You assumed a crime was being committed and killed someone for it. That CMO was unable to be revived until cloning was installed. You went into a department that you otherwise had no reason being in. As they brought a body into the morgue to prevent it from rotting.
Such as: Notifying security, or one of the other 2 CMOs that there was a dead CMO in the morgue. And more importantly, letting me know that you had to leave instead of just leaving in the middle of an a-help. There was no warning, I sent a reply to then realize you weren’t even on the server anymore. Which mind you, you leaving seemingly randomly in the a-help is exactly why this was pushed to permanent, as there was things I needed to make sure you were aware of before letting you play again.
I understand moderating 50+ users can be difficult, and even more so when you have to deal with multiple problems, but there were times when 15+ minutes would pass without a single message or response so I’d thought I’d been ignored. The last paragraph doesn’t make sense, if you’re trying to tell me what I should’ve done; reporting to sec and other CMO’s is what I did, and is why I was originally arrested and released. Sorry for leaving the a-help, but everyone was grumpy and I didn’t want to play anymore. The only response from the med I killed was “the body is caustic, fuck off, FUCK. OFF. FUCK OFF NOW”, I hope you can see why I then killed him and reported it to sec. Fortunately there was another player there with me who was able to give our side of the events to sec. But for the remainder of the round I was harrased by O.S. And D.D., cuffed by various secs and uncuffed by other secs and dets. You could have let me know in an admin message or discord instead of permanently banning me, it was unreasonable especially without a prior warning.
The crux of the issue with your actions is jumping straight to killing the medbay staff handling the body and then reporting it to security later, instead of escalating it properly. The admin team has decided not to accept this appeal at this time.
The ban time will be reduced to 24 hours. You may re-appeal this decision to lift the ban in a new appeal.
From Rejected to Ban Appeals