Discord: [Nick name: Echo | New tag: you120 | Old tag: #4719]
Role(s): [Cyborg]
Length of ban: [Indefinite]
Events leading to the ban: [It happened at the end of the round, i as a Cyborg asked HoP to remove someone’s ID who beat me in HoP’s office after he broke into it, after the id was removed I said “Not crew detected” (or something like that) and i throw him out of space from the escape shuttle. (I violated Law 1, and violated the RP rules)]
Reason the ban should be removed: [I do agree that the ban was given with a reason, and i can agree with the severity of the ban. i just ask for forgives as i had a bad day that day and i overstepped, this was my first violation of any rule, and i never ever planned to violate any rule, i might do it once a time but never by intention, and i try to fix my mistakes as much as i can if i recognize my mistake. I’m human, and i made a mistake]
Wow, now i’m checking and i don’t have the role ban anymore, i’m soo stupid, i didn’t know it was timed and not perma
I’ll close this one off then. Ban ended already from yesterday.
From Rejected to Ban Appeals
From Ban Appeals to Game Servers