Zigcraft - In round 52809, you used the term "R_tard". You have been warned for this exact issue previously. We consider it a slur and using slurs is against the rules

Username: zigcraft

Ban reason: In round 52809, you used the term "R_tard". You have been warned for this exact issue previously. We consider it a slur and using slurs is against the rules.
Length of ban: 4320 minutes
Ban Issue:
I do not know why I was banned

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

Not sure. This ban seems to come from a round earlier in the month on the 4th and the ban seems to have just applied. I think thats when I first used the word and received the warning and I dont think ive used it since. However if I did use that word after being warned that is entirely fair and I accept the ban.

Reason the ban should be removed

If I have not used that word after first being warned I would like it removed, however if I did use that word then I accept the ban and you can disregard this appeal. Only other thing im curious about is what led to a ban now from a round on the 4th, but thats mostly a logistics curiosity. Thank you for looking into this and for keeping the game and community great.

just checked the replay, I def said it. ill close the ban appeal. thank yall again for keeping the community great and sorry for being a shitter.

This ban has expired since the appeal has been made, on 2024-05-29T00:00:00Z. Closing off.

Added appeal-rejected and removed appeal-pending

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