Zigeal - lying in ahelp, OE, harassing a department, rushing to steal engi equpiment without reason, RDM, harassing staff, ignored orders to not harss engi for "them attacking them in escalation rules"

Username: zigeal

Ban reason: lying in ahelp, OE, harassing a department, rushing to steal engi equpiment without reason, RDM, harassing staff, ignored orders to not harss engi for "them attacking them in escalation rules"
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
I did not do what I was banned for

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

I spawned in as clown, was surrounded by people acting sus and then one of them flashed me, they went “oh wait you are…” or something so I assumed they were revs and somehow the flash failed. They then proceeded to break into engi and out of fear of my life and to get intel for Sec I stay with them, they end up hacking a vending machine and I think “well since I’m here” and out of nowhere a person come in with an axe telling us to all leave and I’m trying to explain im not with them and they may be revs but said person starts hitting JUST ME specificaly till im basicaly dead despite me trying to tell them to stop. I hit up an admin, explain, and they tell me “its your fault for breaking into engi” in so many ways which is odd since not even a few rounds before I was severely chastized for doing the same to a passenger who broke into med and started dismantling items without responding AT ALL for 4 mins before I crit them and put them in stasis for Sec and was just told “they were setting up cloning why did you crit them” despite them refusing to respond to repeated “what are you doing” besides laughter emote, the complete opposite of my situation. While getting hella upset at the admin after being revivded/healed at med, the axe weilder COMES OUT OF NOWHERE AND ATTACKS ME AGAIN IN A HALLWAY UNPROVOKED. At this point, I lose my shit. Another admin comes in and is like “wow they attacked you again?” and the original one starts defending the attacker. They start using my past bwoinks saying “oh they lie alot” despite me having tried to turn over a new leaf and they clearly saw the axe weilder assault me with zero attacks from me. At this point I go back to engi as I am ALLOWED to to be there and the person with the axe comes back and threatens me then advances to the door so I attempt to hack to door to prevent this and then they attack me AGAIN and I slip them, take the axe and attack them back, responding 100% in self defense. The orignal admin of course chastizes me for what I did despite at this point the axe weilder being a self antag (untill them slipping and dropping the axe I NEVER threw a single punch at them). I then hide the axe cuz fuck them getting it again and another engi/atmos tells sec only the last few interactions so It makes ME look bad and I refuse to give the axe back. Sec then hands me over to engis (really, highly against rules to hand over clown cuffed as head of security to people over a stolen item who have been caught red handed killing you without provocation and just say “do what you want”) and at this point the axe weilder comes back all fucking happy and drags me off so I kill myself. The admin is still blaming me so I just vent and they tell me to “enjoy my ban” so I call them a “cheeky little cunt”.

Reason the ban should be removed

Its been a while since it hapened and I dont want an indefinite over this due to the fact I did not attack the person at all till the third altercation and even then that was after they came at me with the axe again. They were caught red handed attacking me out of nowhere with an axe and yet the admin defended them, anyone would get hella upset at this, espescialy since I was trying my best the week leading up to be a better player.
I think being crit 3 times by someone not even 15 mins total into the round who rushed atmos axe as clown who didnt attack them at all till phase 3 shows great restraint on my part and I really only lost my shit cuz the admin seemed to intentionaly be letting the attacker get away with literal murder.
I want the ban removed or reduced and I highly request said admin of that round (not the one who actually questioned why the engi kept attacking me, the one who initiated and banned me) be given a second opinion on any interactions with me as I suspect they were pals with said axe user by the way they seriously let them keep attacking me and blaming me.
I am guilty of being a jerk to that admin, thats it. I am NOT guilty of the numerous things they tried to pin on me, they cleary just try to blame me for whatever they could after it was shown the person they were trying to defend came out of nowhere to attack me again the second time unprovoked which I seriously assume was metagrudging as I was a well known clown and they ONLY targeted me. SO:
I did not lie in ahelp
I did not overescalate, the person in question assaulted and crit me multiple times and once again came at me with the weapon so i slipped them and gave them a taste of their own medicine
I did not harass a department I barely harassed my own killer, even If I DID I was a clown
I did not powergame. I was in a weird situation and decided to get tools from the vending machine just in case. I was gonna attack the people I assumed was revs if they proved they were outside of flashing me.
I did not RDM, the person I crit had already crit me with the axe and directly threatened me and came at me with it once more despite being INSIDE their department. They litearly came running out to kill me so I slipped them. How is that RDM?
I am guilty of talking shit to that one admin and harassing my killer AFTER they attacked me the second time.
The admins also say I attempted to “evade a ban” but are giving me zero information on when that occured or with what account. I have a neice and an ex that plays/played this game so refusing to give me any info on what account tried to log in is weird. Regardless its been over 6 months since anyone but me logged into SS14 on this comp.

Alternate Accounts

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Due to your attempt to evade your ban, you are banned indefinitely. You may appeal your ban, but only at least 6 months after your last ban evasion attempt, and only with a voucher of good behavior from another SS13/SS14 server.

A voucher of good behavior should be obtained from a well-known or decently active SS13/SS14 server. If it is a mainstream server, we recommend using that server’s admin-help to ask for a voucher from one of the administrators explaining that you are trying to appeal a ban on SS14’s Wizard’s Den and want to show you have been a problem-free player during your playtime on the server. A voucher should be indicative of at least a few months of play. If the voucher is not from a mainstream server, let us know and we will figure out a way to verify it.

Last seen evasion: 2024-05-05

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Added appeal-rejected and removed appeal-pending

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