[Zigeal] - Promoted Mime and Clown to my Royal Guard, questioned exactly why I was 7 day banned to begin with then banned outright for contesting

Ban reason: [Hostility to Staff]
Length of ban: [Appeal]
Events leading to the ban: [I gave Clown and Mime borderline AA (no command doors) to help protect me as they were both being super helpful and protecting me all shift. Cap was cool with it and so was sec. I got a warning from admin about it then told them i’d take away their AA but they immediately just banned me from head roles for 7 days. I was upset as I’ve never encountered someone doing a ban without warning let alone caring someone gave exceptional crewmembers more acess. Cap gave me a letter saying Centcom wanted me to be straight up demoted from HoP (was never even told this in admin chat) then before I could accept demotion I was banned for “hostility to staff”.]
Reason the ban should be removed: [I don’t feel I was “hostile to staff” I was just dissapointed that the events happened as I and others have gave clowns and mimes privs for fun before and this is the first time I was even warned and It was an immediate 7 day ban, not even a warning. I fell the admin in question is still new to this and over reacted.]

2024-01-02 05 04 00.png

Just for reference: This is what got you banned. Do you want to adjust any of your statements accordingly?

I don’t see how that is “hostility toward staff” as, again, ive never experienced escalation that fast from more experienced admins for far worse things. I may have been peeved at the events that happened and shouldnt have typed that but didnt expect a ban from showing disdain.
In the future I will just take up issues in the forums and not express my feelings in game.


2 hours ago, luckyshotpictures said:

Just for reference: This is what got you banned. Do you want to adjust any of your statements accordingly?

Also, the first ban of 7 days for giving mime and clown acess to places is what bought me to that state of being upset. I still think them not even warning me and outright banning me from head roles for 7 days was overboard.


Admin consensus is to reduce the ban length from indefinite to 4 weeks.

From Accepted to Ban Appeals