A little explanation about Mindshields

Continuing the discussion from Mindshield implant usage (LRP):

Now I’m first going to answer Changeling’s questions, then talk about the rules of mindshielding.

  1. Answers No, you can Mindshield the guy who flashed since he committed a crime, but I’m not sure if Mindshields work on Head Revolutionaries, but flashing someone counts as assault and contraband, because when he converts he hits people with a flash.
  2. Yes, since he did have contraband and that’s a crime, you have lawful reason to mindshield, but you cant really charge crimes for assault unless you have a bit more proof, but again I don’t know if Mindshields work on Head Revolutionaries.

One thing that most Security do that’s annoying and against the rules is go around asking to mindshield people, in the rules it does say that the person has to have committed a crime to be subjected to Mindshielding, If the person was arrested and refused to Mindshield its up to Captain if he wants to perma or execute the person for the capital crime, just because its Revolutionaries it doesn’t mean you have the right to mindshield all, and KOS the ones that don’t comply, So one thing I checked out and noticed about antags is that only Nukies are Legends, and Syndies are known, but I didn’t see anything about Head Revolutionaries, so I per say don’t know if you can say that: ,Oh I think I just saw a Head Revolutionary, because they flashed a person.‘’, I don’t know if its against the Metashield, But I would just report that someone assaulted someone with a flash instead of saying he’s a Head Rev.
Also Most of this Information was from AcornAnNut, but since no one had made a post or anything about the rules to Revolutionaries I thought Id make one.
Wiki Rule Highlights: Any prisoner in custody can be subjected to implantation or implant removal procedures, so long as it’s within reason.
Mindshields can be administered to any inmate who has been clearly mind controlled, lost control of themselves, or a suspect charged with unlawful control.
All credits to AcornAnNut.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Discussion about mindshuld rule clarifacation

  1. You didn’t ask a question
  2. Rule clarifications are for admins to answer

Would you like me to move this to a different category or merge it with the other topic?

Yeah that be great, I didnt have access for Rule Clarifications, so this would be a great help.

Actually I lied, there is kind of a question here:

If something isn’t on the metashield then it isn’t shielded.

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thanks that was a bit of a woozy, since they were employed by Syndies, but weren’t mentioned in the Metashield.

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