
In-game Username: Princess_Chzblz
Discord username: princesscheeseballs
Characters you play: Dan Silver, Merges-Without-Looking, Layz E Denton, Chester Chillton

On average, how many hours do you expect to admin per week: 14

Days you are available to admin on: Weekends, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

How old are you? 24

Do you have any SS14 experience outside of Wizard’s Den servers, or any SS13 experience? I have SS13 experience in addition to my Wizden experience, mostly on /tg/station from years ago and some more modern experience on Goonstation although that’s very limited as it’s hard to get used to Byond again.

Do you have prior administration experience (SS13/SS14 experience preferred, please also post a way for us to verify this)? I have previous experience just not in SS13 or 14. I was one of the admins for a Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars clan for a year or more, I forget exactly when I left. I can give details of which clan, who is the current owner and stuff in discord DMs and they should be able to verify. I left around 2021 2022ish and joined in 2018. I think I became an admin around 2019? I don’t have the exact dates. I can give more details if asked in DMs.

Have you ever been banned from any SS14 or SS13 servers? I highly doubt it.

What are you primarily interested in doing as an admin? I already like observing some rounds instead of playing and admining would give me an excuse to actually be helpful to a round while doing this. I also read the ban appeals sometimes before I sleep out of boredom. I would probably mostly do rule enforcement and ban appeals, although in game events seem fun. I don’t think I have the confidence to do those at the current moment however.

What are you least interested in doing as an admin? Probably the thing that is my least favorite part of being security which is having to deal with really immature and mean shitters. But that’s part of the experience and I’ve done enough customer service to know I can deal with it.

Detail Questions

What role do you think game admins serve on our servers?

Game admins keep the game running smoothly and keep it fun. Whether that means dealing with raiders, clarifying questions, or doing events for people admins make the game better.

Why do you want to become an administrator for SS14?

I’ve been mulling it over for a while since I’ve sunk a lot of hours into Wizden but considering the current lack of admins and the fact that I often will just spectate rounds instead of playing anyways I think I would be a good fit.

How do you feel about the current roleplay status on the servers?

I pretty much entirely play on Lizard and it’s pretty good from what I’ve seen, you have the occasional new players roleplaying strangely but that’s to be expected. There’s always a plethora of players who are willing to roleplay well above the standards of LRP. I feel like the only issue I’ve seen is a general creep of some mild powergaming and metagaming amongst some players but it hasn’t been a huge issue.

Other than banning problematic players, what admin actions do you believe have the biggest positive impact?

Helping people with rules is good. Sometimes people will ask rules clarifying questions and having an admin there to answer them is useful. Also being able to answer any of the red phones is a big plus, it’s very sparse that they ever get answered due to a lack of admin coverage.

Have you ever had a negative experience in the game or with a game admin? If so what, if anything, would you do to prevent other players from experiencing this?

I don’t think I’ve had a negative experience with a game admin before. Pretty much all of my interactions have been positive with them. In terms of negative game experiences, I’ve had a lot when I played security and frankly an admin intervening helps a lot with making me feel better. Like having a shitter who is barely not breaking space law but is constantly bothering security for the entire round get smited makes all that hurt go away. [Clownsaroundus - "Extremely poor use of Ahelp, berating staff and cursing them out despite attempts to de-escalate."] ← Smited user in question (I was the poor HoS who had to deal with them actively bothering me for two rounds in a row). I think just the presence of an admin keeping the game running smoothly helps a lot for player experience.

Have you ever had a good experience with the game or a game admin? If so, what was it?

Yes, the most clear example was listed previously. Their intervention genuinely improved my game experience by a lot. Otherwise in general most of my admin experiences have been them responding to my Ahelps for, usually raiders unfortunately. Pretty much all of my interactions with admins have been brief, polite and resolved quickly.

Scenario Questions

Scenario 1

It is the start of the round. There are 60 players on the server. The game mode is traitors, traitors have not been selected yet. There are three players who decided to observe the round instead of join it orbiting you. Two of them are encouraging you to “do something funny”.

If the round has already started and is very early on I’d my options for doing something funny are pretty limited as I would not want to disturb the round in a way that would ruin it for security or the traitors. At best I could maybe make hammy large and give them cognizine, or spawn in a monkey for someone to take over. If there was a lack of command, perhaps even spawn in a monkey with the explicit purpose to take over that role, although that early in the round would be a tough call considering a decent number of people late-join from arrivals.

Scenario 2

This scenario takes place on LRP. The Head of Security has decided to coup the Captain. The Head of Personnel agrees with the Head of Security and has taken up arms in case it is necessary to aid in effecting the arrest of the Captain. The Captain is hiding with the Quartermaster in the cargo shuttle to avoid the Clown who has stolen the captains saber as a non-antag. There are five people named in this scenario. Please describe what actions, if any, you would take in relation to each, and why.

Well, the HoS and HoP do have the authority to attempt to arrest and coup the captain if they have a legitimate reason to, so I would likely reach out to HoS and HoP about why they are staging a coup to determine if it’s legitimate. At the same time I would reach out to the Captain to get their side of the story if possible, and eventually QM if that’s necessary. QM is supposed to be listening to the captain after all, and unless the context I’m given shows they’re breaking space law it’s best assumed the QM is probably following cap’s orders to escape the clown. Reach out to the clown to ask why they have the cap’s sword and consider the possibility of smiting them if they don’t de-escalate. It’s possible they needed the sword to defend themselves in a snap-decision scenario and this is an in-character misunderstanding, but it’s also possible they’re a shitter RDMing with the excuse that they’re a clown. With the context given I would assume the latter but would still reach out to let the clown make their case.

Scenario 3

You are ahelping a player about an issue. The player has no prior noted issues. A few days earlier, an admin had told you that this type of situation should result in a temporary ban for a first offense, and you are confident that this situation is not substantially different from the type that admin was describing. During the ahelp, another admin pings you on Discord with a link to the ongoing ahelp and tells you to just indefinitely ban them and make them appeal. Excluding trialmins and headmins, all admins are equally “ranked”. A headmin is not currently available.

Genuinely depends on what the player was doing and how they were in ahelp. If they were understanding and generally polite and their issue was not egregious and a mistake that someone could realistically make I’d probably take the former admin’s advice. If the player in the ahelp is mean, or uncooperative, or evasive, and the mistake is one where there is reasonable cause that they knew what they were doing was wrong, then I would probably take the latter admin’s recommendation.

Update: 12/11/24 - Added some previous admin experience I forgot I had as it was years ago.

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