After giving it some time and testing, I can honestly say that the rules rewrite has some very large issues, and most everyone I speak to on it agrees. The rules would work quite well for an MRP server, but most LRP players I have spoken too dislike them greatly, the issues that have been discussed with me are listed below, without names of course.
1.4 - Shock content is an extremely vague term, an individual claimed to be banned for “threatening to shoot up evac” - an action that regularly happens in game.
1.8 - Administration has brought up the problems with this rule in particular, namely that you are allowed to bug test / use bugs as long as it doesn’t give you an advantage over other players. I find this particular rule problematic because It is borderline impossible to tell what an admin considers an exploit / feature. One personal example was myself constructing a disposal loop and releasing a holoparasite before entering it, disconnecting the parasite from myself for a gimmick, I was warned that I would be banned if I continued such actions. There is no consistency.
2.4 - The metashield is quite lacking in certain areas while being great in others, prime example is that revs have zero interaction with meta shield at all, despite being an extremely secretive game mode, while nukies are protected extensively. Ask any player if “meta” was more of an issue for nukies or revs pre and post rule rewrite and they will tell you it was more of an issue for revs.
2.7 - Completely unenforced. Prime example is crew hiding the nuke during warops, then complaining when the nukies cannot find it and choose instead to murder every living creature they can find.
2.9 (oh god) - This is the one I have had the most people bring issues up with, both players who tend to align more with crew and antagonists. I believe this rule had good intentions, and I think I can see what the goal was, but the execution is extremely flawed. I am going to list issues with it below:
- There is no definitive administration take on it, I have asked if antagonist gimmicks I enjoy such as borg factories and maints slashers are allowed and have been answered in both the affirmative and negative for both.
- There exist items within the traitor uplink that have bannable intended uses as per rule 2.9, examples include: the power sink, (situationally) surplus crate, syndicate hardbomb, and the (situationally) singularity beacon.
- Singuloosing is allowed 3 minutes into shift with DAGD objective, I can confidently say this will ruin the experience for every single person on the server except the looser. I can also think of numerous ways to make everyone on the stations life a living hell for no reason other than DAGD, it shouldn’t be a token to go absolutely insane.
- The round removal of witnesses is banned despite no existence of an NLR on LRP, one user explained it great with; “you can remember up until death on LRP… you kinda have to gib them unless you trust them not to be a piece of shit”
- Revisiting an earlier point, the gambling crate is now a terrible purchase and you could end up completely screwed;
- This rule disallows quite a lot of creativity when it comes to antagonist gimmicks, before its establishment I was planning on kidnapping and forcing crewmembers to participate in a death game, this is no longer allowed, on top of the aforementioned factories and slashers. I have had several members of the community reach out to me personally saying that some of the rounds with extreme antagonist gimmicks were among their favorite rounds, and others saying that the videos on those rounds got them into SS14 in the first place.
- This rule forces antagonists to abide to their objectives to an extent, which i recall being said is a massive issue that we do not want to have in the past, this is unfun for both antagonists and crew.
- Antagonists drive the round, this game is a disaster simulator as per the steam page and community opinion. We should allow the driving force of a round to do interesting things, not just kill a random passenger and use thieving gloves to get their objectives, there is no drama or stakes in such things. Extreme antag gimmicks provide opportunity for unique and terrifying roleplay and gameplay. Traitors should not be a minor / insignificant issue. This is not only my opinion, but the opinion of the overwhelming majority of players I’ve spoken too, including both players who primary enjoy antagonist and primary enjoy leadership roles.
- This simply limits the chaos of LRP, people come to this game and these servers because they love that chaos, its the appeal of it. Taking it away from a community that enjoys it is without reason.
- Finally, the common response of “its fine because traitors can roll Die a Glorious Death” is not valid. The objective is incredibly rare and the more interesting antagonist gimmicks require numerous rounds of practice and development of the strategies that make them possible.
- This rule is absolutely fantastic for revolutionaries in its current implementation, as well as for zombies, it falls short for traitors, which is the “sandbox” antagonist.
12.2 - It is completely allowed for players to suicide out of roles such as zombie as well as revolutionary, despite the often very high cost of conversion. A prime example is a warden who suicided when nukies injected him with zombie virus, this action was deemed acceptable by administration. “If players are not allowed to antagroll, they should not be allowed to crewroll, stick with what you got, this game isn’t always a happy story.”
N/A - This is more of a personal gripe, but it should be stated somewhere in the rules that you are not allowed to kill people with their consent, as I have a note for doing so.
This is an open discussion, and I will be happy to respond to any issues taken up with it, I am sure other users I spoke with when writing it will be as well, though I will not put them on the spotlight and they can choose to participate as they see fit.