Username: ZombieChibiXD
Ban reason: Round 57768: Knowledge from a previous life, Shock content, thinly veiled shool shooter reference. "Heard you all bullied my friend into cryosleep. I'm gonna shoot this station up. Don't go to evac"
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction
Vote Opt-Out: false
Events leading to the ban
I wanted to spice up the clown gameplay by trying out new gimmick. I have asked it beforehand, and there was no respond for quite some time, so I thought admin just ignored it because it’s an IC issue and not admin issue and it was a green light. And then mid-round I found out admin has ruled out my gimmick so I cryosleep out of compliance to the ruling. I was also pretty grumpy about it, because everyone did not take it as well I thought it was, because I thought being a clown that makes a fool out of themselves was a classic clown thing.
As what I thought as a funny joke that can enhance the round, and since the cryosleep announcement is heard to all by default, I made the cryosleep joke “heard you all bullied my friend into cryosleep”, not as knowledge of previous life.
As a first time loneop, I got really excited and I really wanted to try to build a grenade launcher explody thingy which ended as a follow up plan reveal as I was going to shoot the station.
Now out of the urge to make the comedy in 3, I unfortunately made the message too short and ended the message with, “Don’t go to evac”. Because I didn’t want them to be there especially when the evac arrived, since by my calculations evac was arriving pretty closely (it was 45 minutes in).
All in all, I meant to say I want to destroy the station up, as a nukie by using grenade launcher turrets. As added chaos because Space Station 14 as I know it as a chaotic game, I wanted to start with evac because of the time constraint and the circumstances to gain my goal.
Now, my entirety of my plan was to go to the “Warship” that spawned next to the station to get resources and set up a Forward Operating Base and hopefully find and build a emagged autolathe and hopefully make a grenade launcher mechanism and I was going to blow evac first to prevent people from going home. That plan obviously failed because I thought the turrets are friendly to syndies. They were not. (Now that I think of it, I should’ve pushed it closer to the station for added chaos, oh well, lost opportunity)
Reason the ban should be removed
Now that you all mention it as shock content, I can understand where you all came from regarding it.
I come from an Asian area of the world, and we really don’t intuitively know much to what counts as shock content to what the members of the server counts as a shock content except when it comes to what I have to mention below.
I try to adhere to the rule within the best of my abilities and comprehension allows, and when I read the rule of:
No sexual content/themes, including erotic roleplay (ERP) and no shock content
The thing I think of as shock content, is “gore” or “poop” kind of shock content.
So I was rather shocked that I was banned and not “bwoinked” or warned about what I said, however after I re-read it and the intention behind the ban, I understand where you all are coming from.
I would like you all to understand, my intention in that announcement message was 3 fold:
- I wanted to acknowledge that the station was being overly harsh to my previous character, so the nukie acting on the station was a crime of passion instead of just a mission by the gorlax
- I wanted the station to know what I was planning on doing to the station as my endgame strategy
- I wanted the station to avoid calling evac, or even recalling evac, or in the case where evac is called, most would be deterred to go to evac so the chaos of my plan can go into full effect. I wanted more people alive and watching the event unfold as I execute it.
And since what I know, people don’t like too wordy announcement message, I tried to condense it as condense as possible so the punchline hits also. I am trying too many things at the same time. But I rushed too fast and the message ended up as an unfortunate meaning.
I intend no malice or troll on the server. I despise edgy joke, I think they’re low effort, unfunny, and are meant to elicit the wrong reactions. The only reaction I want from my act is either amusement, baffled, eyeroll, terrified (in a oh god not like this way), and I do not wish to cause unneccesary anguish.
If the brainrot content was assumed to be attempt to troll the server and break immersion, I understand now that it is not allowed under house rule, and I’ve stopped it completely since my question of the ruling was replied to, however it was not my intention to troll in this way, I genuinely think it’s humorous, and I understand that most others don’t think it’s humourous, hence I’ve stopped.
I enjoy this game. I really do. And I try my best to be a friendly and outgoing player within the game. And act IC on every character I make, whilst, even knowing if a player is an antag, let them do their thing because my character doesn’t know that, and I want players to have some leeway in their chances to acheive their goals.
I would like the admins of this game to know, I’m sorry…
If this is my first strike, I beg of you to give me lenience as it’s not my intention to cause distress to the player base.
If this is my last… I’m sorry for being a terrible player for this community. I didn’t wish to cause dissatisfaction to other players, and I thought I could share my sense of humor, eagerness and enthusiasm to the community.