So, is it basically reason to ban the time a secoff took me to Sec to eliminate me from the round?

Discussion about mindshield rule clarifacation

A secoff in one round saw me use a flash to turn someone into a rev, he led me towards Sec, until they decided to start using the mindshield on me, and then kill me and gibb me, between the warden and the HoS. Is that a reason for ban?

I used the Ahelp that day to ask about this, but no one answered me and I was left with doubt.

In addition, the secoff who arrested me accused me of being the head of revs after he saw that I used the flash on someone.

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Alright so what the secoff did at first was okay, since flashing a person is assault, but the second part where he just started using a mindshield is not alright, one thing is that one person flashing a guy isn’t enough proof that its revs and its also the wardens job to mind [if he has proof or enough reason to do so]

The last part where they gibbed you is also Illegal, because it is the captains job to do so and it is your right to choose your own death, as long as its not to crazy like die by nuke.

Now the secoff who implanted you might get a ban, the Hos would probably get a roleban for some time and the ward well that can go either way.

Now this part is alright, since for some weird reason Revs aren’t metashielded he can say that, which is really dumb.


This is probably the only game that punishes you for knowing the game well and people being mad when you use that knowledge. On one side yeah its powergaming and on the other antags bitching about being “weaker” than crew. Both sides are wrong and sadly i dont see any way to solve that.

As soon as implant revealed them to be hrev they were free game to gib, though how they got to implantation from how this story goes on other hand…

No that’s not true, its still up to cap to decide to execute or not and cap can’t just give the order to free gib any rev, its still their right to decide how to die, its not security’s decision


Hmm, touche. Could have sworn SL got changed to allow hrev executions without asking for approval…

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Refusal of Mineshielding: Applies if the suspect is excessively uncooperative or the implant fails to function due to the mental state of the prisoner already being too far gone. If the implant fails execution is heavily recommended.

Execution: A humane way of dealing with extremely unruly crewmates. Within reason, a prisoner who has been given the death sentence may pick how they wish to be killed, common methods are firing line, lethal injection, exile, and high voltage electrocution. Another alternate method of “execution” is the process of placing a staff’s mind into a borg, this is allowed so long as it is lawful. Execution can only be issued with the captain’s or acting captain’s approval; if the HoS is acting captain or there is no acting captain, all heads of staff are to hold a vote on the matter.

On LRP I believe sec just goes ahead with execution once the implant fails, which typically ends up just being beaten to death. Usually what I see happen on there during Revs. It is Space Law that even LRP has to follow, but it’s either not enforced due to no Admins watching LRP servers (rarely) or there’s simply no time to get the revolution under control to be able to RP out executions as space law would like. Probably a mix of both. There was one round where they found 2 head revs and didn’t execute, instead leaving the bodies in sec morgue. Was probably the closest I’ve seen LRP get to RP.

Typically, if people were to follow Space Law/Rules for a Revs round, from what I’ve seen on LRP, they typically get “metagamed” just due to flashing people. As said in another thread; by the time a Revolution is likely underway (multiple heads dying/dead), where Space Law/Rules can safely be followed as to not metagame Revs, it is likely too late. On the other hand, metagaming and seeing people get flashed and turned makes it so Revs likely get found too early. No one really wins in this gamemode.

Update: I did also just look through metashield, space law and server rules, but found that Revs were removed from the Metashield? So it sounds like seeing someone get flashed is completely fine now to assume a Revoltion?


Flash by default can’t convert people so had admins say its hidden property of it and is metashielded as stealth item.

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Hmm, so it’s still a lose-lose situation.

That was my first time playing as head rev, we were two head rev and I converted 19 people, the other converted 2 or 3 people, the only thing I wanted to know was if it was okay to gibb my body, just because a secoff saw me using a flash and accused me of head rev.

Thank you all, you solved my doubts! :ok_hand:t4:

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The game doesn’t “punish” you for knowing the game well.
It punishes you for being unable to separate your character knowledge from your player knowledge.
If you cannot roleplay NOT knowing something that you as the player does know, you are roleplaying poorly.

People are mad that you use that knowledge because your character doesn’t know that information.