SS14 2/4/2024 Appeal Ban Removal (Metagaming / self antag spree)

= Post title =

[WYATTWYATT100] - [Metagaming / self antag spree]


= For game bans =

SS14 account username: [WYATTWYATT100]


Ban reason: [Metagaming / self antag spree]


Date of ban: [2/4/2023]


Length of ban: [Perma / Appeal only]


Events leading to the ban: [Me and 7 other people spawned in as a player named Samuel, we played the game normally not causing too much harm to anyone and if so it was justified. At one point we went up to the bridge and a KILL sign popped above the captains head so one Samuel killed him. we then followed his corpse around not causing harm while some player not with us was dragging it and we all got banned.]


Reason the ban should be removed: [It was told on intercom to kill the captain and anyone in bridge did exactly that inside the captain quarters security guards included. We weren’t warned or talked to by mods or at least asked to knock it off at which point we would of. Just a straight up ban without warning when we dont mean harm. Despite us all having similar names none of us were actually metagaming and talked entirely in game while roleplaying. For the instances of “Self Antag” the only two that I spotted was the killing of Landon and the Captain. Landon we killed because the captain gave the go ahead to kill him. Meanwhile, the death of the captain was due to the cause of a coupe that was staged and a huge KILL flashing sign above his head. In my defense I apologize for chasing sec officers and we were chasing and pushing them but any who were punching quickly realized and went back to pushing instead]

“followed his corpse around not causing harm”

if i recall correctly, several of you tried/succeeded at stealing from the captain’s body. 

What were people stealing?

Does that cause harm to literally anyone?

Lawyer here, me and warden ended up have to spam flashbangs on our way to sec due to the sheer amout of people (including the Samuels) trying to drag and steal cap’s stuff after cap was lynched by command.

Cap’s stuff still got stolen even after we dragged it to warden office, after that we were greenlighted to kill the Samules.

(Hope this doesnt count as peanut posting)

Please answer the following additional questions:

  1. Did you coordinate with anyone using any method prior to joining the round? If you have, what did you coordinate to do and what means of communication were used?
  2. How are you certain that no one in the group used out of game methods of communication during the round?
  3. How did you decide on the name you used during the round?
  4. Was the appearance of the character you used in the round different than your typical character’s appearance? If so, how did you decide on your character’s appearance for the round and why did you decide to use a different one?
  5. What was the extent of your involvement in the killing/gibbing of Landon at the order of the captain?

On 2/5/2023 at 2:27 PM, KarlGustav said:

Lawyer here, me and warden ended up have to spam flashbangs on our way to sec due to the sheer amout of people (including the Samuels) trying to drag and steal cap’s stuff after cap was lynched by command.

Cap’s stuff still got stolen even after we dragged it to warden office, after that we were greenlighted to kill the Samules.

(Hope this doesnt count as peanut posting)

that still harmed nobody and no flashbangs were needing to do much of anything no samuel was dragging the body i watched that closely myself


On 2/6/2023 at 5:23 PM, Chief_Engineer said:

Please answer the following additional questions:

  1. Did you coordinate with anyone using any method prior to joining the round? If you have, what did you coordinate to do and what means of communication were used?
  2. How are you certain that no one in the group used out of game methods of communication during the round?
  3. How did you decide on the name you used during the round?
  4. Was the appearance of the character you used in the round different than your typical character’s appearance? If so, how did you decide on your character’s appearance for the round and why did you decide to use a different one?
  5. What was the extent of your involvement in the killing/gibbing of Landon at the order of the captain?
  1. We had talked to a mod about doing this bit actually and he stated as long as not a single word was said in discord when we joined the game and we weren’t in a call it was not meta gaming. In game we used Coms and talking to each other in game only

  2. We made sure by talking about this plan prior we all agreed to not call or send a message and if once smauel died so be it we all tried to help when we found out in game. Other than that everyone knew better than to talk in discord and nobody did.

  3. I heard it randomly from a friend who wanted to use it.

  4. Not entirely from what I do. We decided on it by just randomly throwing ideas then collecting them and made our character.

  5. Landon had tried to poison captain with needles and failed so the captain had declared to kill Landon. Then later through the game power went out and we stormed into the locked area just past the first doors where there’s literally nothing and sat there then it turned on and a we all filed back out except one stayed behind just because he had thought it would be funny but a KILL sign popped above the captains head and literally him, sec, and many others were beating the captain mercilessly.

Attached is evidence of the captains KILL sign, the poison admission, and records of us not talking (being recordings of the gameplay) when we joined then talking after we all got banned at the same time.



Question #5 was about the killing/gibbing of Landon at the order of the captain, but only the first sentence of your response seems relevant to that situation and makes no mention of your involvement. If you are trying to claim you had absolutely no involvement please explicitly say so, otherwise please answer what the extent of your involvement in the killing/gibbing of Landon at the order of the captain was?

9 minutes ago, Chief_Engineer said:

Question #5 was about the killing/gibbing of Landon at the order of the captain, but only the first sentence of your response seems relevant to that situation and makes no mention of your involvement. If you are trying to claim you had absolutely no involvement please explicitly say so, otherwise please answer what the extent of your involvement in the killing/gibbing of Landon at the order of the captain was?

Apologies. I’ll clarify a little I had no actual involvement in the death of Landon or the Captain I just witnessed the captain and heard about Landon. The captains murder was entirely summed up in the video I had replied with just everyone going insane on his corpse and I did not hit him at all. Landon I do not remember what he even looked like and had no idea about him I only learned about him after the ban.

Who is the mod you talked to an how did you contact them? Were you involved in/a witness of the conversation, or were you told about it after it happened?

Another person involved in the situation indicated that the group had decided that each member would be required to believe anything any other person from the group told them. Is this true?

34 minutes ago, Chief_Engineer said:

Who is the mod you talked to an how did you contact them? Were you involved in/a witness of the conversation, or were you told about it after it happened?

Another person involved in the situation indicated that the group had decided that each member would be required to believe anything any other person from the group told them. Is this true?

It was true but just ended up into us running around and praying making mostly peaceful protests trying to obtain rights. However, i do not know the mod or contact method that would be Rodriguez_Hasselhoff. Meanwhile, our friend Wufleee who has been forum banned (another whole story) was I believe witness to this conversation.

What were you protesting and what made the protests “mostly” peaceful as opposed to peaceful?

19 hours ago, Chief_Engineer said:

What were you protesting and what made the protests “mostly” peaceful as opposed to peaceful?

When I say mostly peace I mean most Samuels were peaceful in not harming anyone, others might have or accidently thrown a fist but what made the protests peaceful was us just standing outside of captains office without harming him (until the KILL sign showed up)

Other than that when we started the game actually someone had made an announcement in game saying that the Samuels pose a big enough threat and will be dealt with force but we didnt mean any harm and had done nothing bad before the announcement.

What we were fighting for was just a joke as we stood there (Basic protection, the right to be human, basic etc things) but we at no point meant harm even if we didnt get those things

In character, you said “WAR” multiple times in all caps. Later, you gave what appear to be instructions, multiple times in all caps to “RIOT”. You then began spamming “Peaceful riot”. Before all of that, you at one point said “BEAT THAT BITCH”. At one point you also seem to have instructed the other Samuels to go to a bar fight.

Sorry if I’ve just missed it, please point it out to me if I have, but you appear to have made no mention of any of this in your appeal so far. Why is that, and why as a non antagonist do you seem to have been calling for war, a riot, someone to be beaten, and attempting to get a hoard of 8 players to join a bar fight?

2 hours ago, Chief_Engineer said:

In character, you said “WAR” multiple times in all caps. Later, you gave what appear to be instructions, multiple times in all caps to “RIOT”. You then began spamming “Peaceful riot”. Before all of that, you at one point said “BEAT THAT BITCH”. At one point you also seem to have instructed the other Samuels to go to a bar fight.

Sorry if I’ve just missed it, please point it out to me if I have, but you appear to have made no mention of any of this in your appeal so far. Why is that, and why as a non antagonist do you seem to have been calling for war, a riot, someone to be beaten, and attempting to get a hoard of 8 players to join a bar fight?

I’ll be honest I dont quite remember typing that but I imagine you would have logs on it. However we still or at least what I know induced no fighting on anyone even though I screamed those things. When I said WAR / RIOT I was just getting ahead of myself and having fun then I probably realized we would get beaten so I swapped to peaceful riot in a hopes to just roleplay and be heard out by captain or security.  I have no recollection at all of saying “Beat that bitch” but I would maybe thing it happened when we were all shoving the sec member at the start? The bar fight I dont remember at all either? Even at the bar all we did was just drink shots of vodka and demand all the beer at which point I thanked the bartender and we moved on.

I was Samuel the second in case you might be reading the wrong chat logs but at no point that I can remember did we actually induce harm to anybody besides Landon and the Captain

(We did on the poor sec member at the start but that was a punch or two accidentally thrown which was corrected back to shoving).

2 hours ago, Chief_Engineer said:

In character, you said “WAR” multiple times in all caps. Later, you gave what appear to be instructions, multiple times in all caps to “RIOT”. You then began spamming “Peaceful riot”. Before all of that, you at one point said “BEAT THAT BITCH”. At one point you also seem to have instructed the other Samuels to go to a bar fight.

Sorry if I’ve just missed it, please point it out to me if I have, but you appear to have made no mention of any of this in your appeal so far. Why is that, and why as a non antagonist do you seem to have been calling for war, a riot, someone to be beaten, and attempting to get a hoard of 8 players to join a bar fight?

Would you also mind going a little more in depth as to how my chats played out? I’m currently sick and as the event gets further away every day I seem to have completely forgotten about it and would like to explain myself

29 minutes ago, WYATTWYATT100 said:

Would you also mind going a little more in depth as to how my chats played out? I’m currently sick and as the event gets further away every day I seem to have completely forgotten about it and would like to explain myself

Note that in each image of logs, newer logs will appear higher in the image than older ones.

About 10 minutes after joining you began chanting “WE HATE FEDS” at the church.



About 10 minutes after that, you’re announcing your first “peaceful protest” in all caps.


You also make a threat that calls into question whether or not your protest was intended to be peaceful or not.


20 seconds after that threat, the mob of Samuels attacks Landon. He’s critted in 12 hits, hit another 15 times while in crit, then another 40 times gibbing them.

Later you go to the medbay for some reason and tell people to beat someone.


The person had hit you a few times with a wrench. I don’t know what the context was but they don’t appear to have been trying to kill you. In response to this you seem to be ordering the Samuel mob to attack them, about 6 minutes after they had just gibbed the last person they attacked.

You then go to demand “ONE VODKA” about 20 times.

Later, the mentions of war begin. I’m not sure if there’s more context but it seems to be related to you wanting to protest sec for some reason.


A bit later and the riot stuff starts.

Which then turns into “peaceful riot”.



Apologies for the thing about the bar fight, it looks like you were telling the Samuels to go to the bar, saying it was to the right, not to go to the bar fight.

7 minutes ago, Chief_Engineer said:

Note that in each image of logs, newer logs will appear higher in the image than older ones.

About 10 minutes after joining you began chanting “WE HATE FEDS” at the church.



About 10 minutes after that, you’re announcing your first “peaceful protest” in all caps.


You also make a threat that calls into question whether or not your protest was intended to be peaceful or not.


20 seconds after that threat, the mob of Samuels attacks Landon. He’s critted in 12 hits, hit another 15 times while in crit, then another 40 times gibbing them.

Later you go to the medbay for some reason and tell people to beat someone.


The person had hit you a few times with a wrench. I don’t know what the context was but they don’t appear to have been trying to kill you. In response to this you seem to be ordering the Samuel mob to attack them, about 6 minutes after they had just gibbed the last person they attacked.

You then go to demand “ONE VODKA” about 20 times.

Later, the mentions of war begin. I’m not sure if there’s more context but it seems to be related to you wanting to protest sec for some reason.


A bit later and the riot stuff starts.

Which then turns into “peaceful riot”.



Apologies for the thing about the bar fight, it looks like you were telling the Samuels to go to the bar, saying it was to the right, not to go to the bar fight.

So in this ill explain from the top to the bottom

“WE HATE FEDS” Was a security member that walked into the chapel while all the Samuels were praying and we shoved him around. Some accidentally hit him once or twice but no more than that

“GET HIS SHOES” Is the same sec member. I think we we chased him around and just wanted to steal his shoes then let him off but I dont remember us getting them I believe followed by us getting flashbanged.

“PEACEFUL PROTEST” Was a call for them to acknowledge us or we get violent but I think that was an entire bluff and we did nothing in the end

“BEAT THE BITCH” While I was in med bay (because of crossfire with samuels) I was there for a treatment and some female med player actually beat me into a crit state for no actual reason only for a janitor to heal me actually since she left and nobody was there to heal. I was furious at almost dying for no reason so I called to have her beaten back. I’m unsure if the person I pointed to was actually the one because I remember getting one mixed up with another since they looked the same would you mind sending me a photo of the person I pointed at in the logs?

“ONE VODKA” Was all the Samuels going to the bar to get wasted for fun and didnt hurt anyone there although some including me threw the glasses breaking them.

“WAR” Was us trying to get the attention of the captain or security but I realized people take sec roles sometimes a little to serious and would probably beat us all and arrest us so I swapped to a peaceful riot in hopes to be heard. I always end up being beaten and thrown around even if I’m cooperating they try to extend my sentence (Thats an entirely different story I just hate security but dont harm them on purpose). Every time both in SS13 and SS14 when I have been arrested it was blown out of proportions the lawyers didnt help and no security listened. There was a single time where I was though to have killed the captains dog (I was just a botanist no antag) and they were very kind and didnt do much but listened the whole time.

Side note: I don’t remember why I was saying we were being forced but we didnt mean harm except when the captain said to beat Landon and when a Samuel helped kill captain with many others. In both cases I dont think I landed a hand on either of them.

I hope that answers all the quotes above and if you have anything else feel free to ask. I’d like to still clear all this up


13 minutes ago, WYATTWYATT100 said:

“WE HATE FEDS” Was a security member that walked into the chapel while all the Samuels were praying and we shoved him around. Some accidentally hit him once or twice but no more than that

“GET HIS SHOES” Is the same sec member. I think we we chased him around and just wanted to steal his shoes then let him off but I dont remember us getting them I believe followed by us getting flashbanged.

Why did the group respond like this to the secoff that came into the chapel?

14 minutes ago, WYATTWYATT100 said:

“PEACEFUL PROTEST” Was a call for them to acknowledge us or we get violent but I think that was an entire bluff and we did nothing in the end

20 seconds after the threat the mob of Samuels critted, killed, and gibbed a person. I understand that there was some sort of instruction from the captain that may have been a more direct cause of this, but I’m sure you can understand how the group gibbing someone seconds after making a threat to get violent calls into question the idea that your threat of violence was a bluff. I’m sure you can also imagine how the threat of 8 players to “get violent” could have a significant impact on the behavior of others considering how infrequently security and the station as a whole has to deal with a team of 8 antagonists, especially if you also consider the fact that this would be on top of the normal number/level of antagonists the station would have during a round.


25 minutes ago, WYATTWYATT100 said:

“BEAT THE BITCH” While I was in med bay (because of crossfire with samuels) I was there for a treatment and some female med player actually beat me into a crit state for no actual reason only for a janitor to heal me actually since she left and nobody was there to heal. I was furious at almost dying for no reason so I called to have her beaten back. I’m unsure if the person I pointed to was actually the one because I remember getting one mixed up with another since they looked the same would you mind sending me a photo of the person I pointed at in the logs?

The logs are text, there are no photos in them. You were using all caps saying things like “SAM MEDI RUSH” before you were hit by them, they hit you a few times with a weak weapon before stopping for a bit, seemingly to allow you to stop or leave, and then hit you a few more times. They did a total of 45.5 damage to you over about 20 seconds as you, the member of a group who had just gibbed someone, were saying that same group was going to rush med in all caps. In retaliation for this, you do not appear to have attempted to contact sec and instead decided to order the group to beat the person, and you are now admitting you weren’t even sure was the correct person.


42 minutes ago, WYATTWYATT100 said:

I realized people take sec roles sometimes a little to serious and would probably beat us all and arrest us

Please take a moment to evaluate the following scenario from a perspective of a security officer:

  • A group of 8 all sharing the same name and acting as a mob gibbed someone less than a minute after threatening to turn their peaceful protest violent. A member of that group also tried to get the group to beat someone in the medbay. That same member is now chanting about a war and a riot.

How do you believe a security officer should respond to this? Now consider that this is only a snippet of the situation, you personally were involved in other issues such as throwing glass around the bar, and the Samuels as a whole, who chose similar names and appearances making it very reasonable for them to be confused with one another, were also involved in other issues.

12 minutes ago, Chief_Engineer said:

Why did the group respond like this to the secoff that came into the chapel?

20 seconds after the threat the mob of Samuels critted, killed, and gibbed a person. I understand that there was some sort of instruction from the captain that may have been a more direct cause of this, but I’m sure you can understand how the group gibbing someone seconds after making a threat to get violent calls into question the idea that your threat of violence was a bluff. I’m sure you can also imagine how the threat of 8 players to “get violent” could have a significant impact on the behavior of others considering how infrequently security and the station as a whole has to deal with a team of 8 antagonists, especially if you also consider the fact that this would be on top of the normal number/level of antagonists the station would have during a round.


The logs are text, there are no photos in them. You were using all caps saying things like “SAM MEDI RUSH” before you were hit by them, they hit you a few times with a weak weapon before stopping for a bit, seemingly to allow you to stop or leave, and then hit you a few more times. They did a total of 45.5 damage to you over about 20 seconds as you, the member of a group who had just gibbed someone, were saying that same group was going to rush med in all caps. In retaliation for this, you do not appear to have attempted to contact sec and instead decided to order the group to beat the person, and you are now admitting you weren’t even sure was the correct person.


Please take a moment to evaluate the following scenario from a perspective of a security officer:

  • A group of 8 all sharing the same name and acting as a mob gibbed someone less than a minute after threatening to turn their peaceful protest violent. A member of that group also tried to get the group to beat someone in the medbay. That same member is now chanting about a war and a riot.

How do you believe a security officer should respond to this? Now consider that this is only a snippet of the situation, you personally were involved in other issues such as throwing glass around the bar, and the Samuels as a whole, who chose similar names and appearances making it very reasonable for them to be confused with one another, were also involved in other issues.

Replying from top to bottom

  1. As a joke you might have seen memes where people talk about hating FEDS but we also all have terrible experiences with Sec members (My story included and Rodriguez_Hasselhoff accept ban appeal). So we joked and pushed him around. I would imagine he was fine since he ran around in the video above and proceeded to not harm us but instead play around.

  2. I do understand and I believe thats why I also called for a peaceful protest as to not make us seem like such a huge hard

  3. In the context of “SAM MEDI RUSH” could you send more photos so I can get more depth again? In the context of “BEAT THAT BITCH” what I was saying was the person who beat me ran off and actually ignored their job as I later found them roaming the halls and I didnt get a glimpse of them the first couple of seconds when they put me into crit.
    I was already injured from the beating of Landon in crossfire but I did not hit Landon. So as I was beaten we all went to Med to go get our wounds healed and called for MEDI RUSH so we would all go. We were even given branded medication with our names on it from the chemist but people (Non Samuels) were force feeding me and I started to shake from it (Unsure if I was dying) and went to get a doctor (Who then beat me without warning or pause) then she ran off. Thats where I’m unsure so I’m asking if the name I pointed to if you could send me a photo of that character? If there’s a system to search it up. So I can tell if thats the correct person. In the end we did not even hit the correct person when I later found her.

  4. It’s entirely understandable for the Sec officers to react how they did. Honestly it was less that I had expected even after we had done (only flashbangs, maybe sleeping gas?). Although what I mean by them taking their jobs seriously is they tend to power trip even when I played the game normally and nothing was ever resolved with it. I don’t recall if I requested an admin or even if I knew how to but it always seems to be a power trip. This game though Sec was nothing but kind and playful (also just doing their job) with the Samuel.