Update on measures taken with Wizard's Den Game Ban Appeals

Due to the dire state of the appeal backlogs that often accumulate for several months, bureaucratic issues with the current appeal process. as well as the loss of many of our admins, the admin team has decided to derogate from the current appeal policy and take the following measure:

  • All current appeals, as well as any new ones submitted will be eligible for the speedy appeal procedure.

What does this mean for me and my appeal?

The speedy appeal procedure allows an admin to handle an appeal by themselves with the approval of another admin. This should hopefully mean that we can get to your approval quicker, and with less load within the admin team. It does also mean that your appeal will not be reviewed by as many admins as it would otherwise.

Normally all appeals, except under special circumstances(for example: short bans, troll appeals, and appeals that have gone unreviewed for long periods) go through a full admin team vote.

When using the speedy appeal procedure it is not possible to upgrade a ban to a Voucher Ban and a full admin vote will still be required for this. A voucher ban requires that any future appeals be accompanied with a Voucher of Good Behavior from a well known ss14 or ss13 server.

Is this permanent?

No, this measure will expire once we can get a new appeal policy in place or in 2 months. Whichever comes first. Hopefully significantly sooner than 2 months.

I still have more questions or concerns

Feel free to ask questions here, on the #admin-questions channel in the discord or message privately on the forums or discord for any question or concern you may have. Please remember to remain respectful.

what takes the most time when processing a ban appeal?

In terms of length of time, what takes the longest is conducting a vote with the admin team. We ideally want these to go on for 24 hours, however they can go on for much longer if there is ongoing debate or if not enough admins participate.

The most time labor intensive part for the processing admin is investigating the appeal, and then preparing the vote with all the necessary documentation.


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